My name is Zixu Zhang (pronunciation: tzu-hsu chang) and 张子煦 in Chinese. I am a Ph.D. student at Princeton University advised by Prof. Jaime Fernández Fisac. My research interest lies in robot’s perception, decision-making, and interaction with the real-world, especially when the perception ability is limited.

Recently, I have finished my Master from Robotics Institute, University of Michigan, where I worked with Prof. Matthew Johnson-Roberson at UM Ford Center for Autonomous Vehicles.

Previously, I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 2018, where I studied Mechanical Engineering and minored in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. During my undergraduate at UIUC, I have received great support and valuable advice from Prof. Timothy Bretl, Prof. Leonardo Chamorro, and Prof. Ali Hamed.